Human Potential Institute - ICF-Accredited Life Coach Training

Live webinar with
Dr. Mark Atkinson

creator of Psychological Fitness Specialist Training

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The Psychological Fitness Specialist Webinar Takes Place

Monday, September 23rd @ 8 am Pacific / 11 am Eastern

*Can’t make it live, not a problem, we will send you the link to a recording!

In this webinar you are going to learn about:

  • Psychological fitness as a revolutionary new approach to human wellbeing, self-actualization and behavioral change.
  • What psychological fitness is and why it is relevant to every human being on the planet
  • What the specialist training program involves and includes
  • Why you should consider training as a Psychological Fitness Specialist
  • An offer that you will not want to miss

This is a great opportunity to meet your future teacher!

Dr. Mark Atkinson, MBBS

Dr. Mark Atkinson, MBBS

Dr Mark Atkinson, founder of the Human Potential Institute, is an internationally renowned medical doctor, trainer and consultant specializing in psychological fitness and human potential development. Mark has taught thousands of people, including CEOs, executives and elite athletes how to upgrade and optimize their mind through psychological fitness training. Mark is the author of numerous published books including The Mind-Body Bible and True Happiness – Your Complete Guide to Emotional Health. He received his medical degree from the Imperial College London, UK

Approved Coach Specific Training Hours ACTO - Association of Coach Training Organizations
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